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Franklin University Switzerland Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Franklin University Switzerland

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Lugano, Svájc

4 Years


Teljes idő

Kérelem benyújtásának határideje

Aug 2025

CHF 52 750 / per year *

Az egyetemen

* annual tuition fee for international students per year | Swiss/EU/EEA: CHF 27,550 per year | US citizens / permanent residents and Canadian citizens: $48,500 per year


Travel into the Human Psyche

Psychology is the science of human emotion, thought, and behavior, including neural, physiological, and cognitive processes; developmental factors and individual differences; and interpersonal, international, and cross-cultural components. The Psychology major is designed to expose students to a spectrum of basic issues currently being addressed in the discipline, the principles of research design and statistics, and theory and research in specific areas of psychology.

Bővebb információ az intézmény honlapján olvasható



Program tandíj

Ösztöndíjak és finanszírozás

Tanulói beszámolók

Az Iskoláról

Beszélgetés a diákokkal
